Red medalion with a woman in the lotus position. If you are wanting to find deeper meaning in life Spiritual Psychotherapy is the answer to gaining insight and understanding on a deeply personal level.

 Spiritually-Integrated Psychotherapy

for Women throughout California & Louisiana

Are you seeking a different kind of therapy? A space where seekers and mystics are encouraged to ask the big questions? A therapy space that first and foremost tends to matters of the spirit?

Welcome, you’ve come to the right place.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You’re no longer satisfied with surface-level answers. And … you’re in good company.

  • You’re seeking support, but talk therapy feels limited.

  • You want to trust your intuition. Still, you’re not sure if you can.

  • You’ve noticed your dreams have become off-the-charts vivid and you’re curious about what your unconscious is telling you.

  • You were raised in a rigid religious tradition and you want to create an authentic spiritual practice on your own terms.

  • You want practices to help you feel grounded.

  • You feel a connection to something/someone larger.

  • You’re drawn to tarot practice, but you’re not sure where to start. 

  • You’ve started a tarot practice. Now you’re ready to take your practice to the next level. 

A Unique Space for Women

I offer a unique online therapy space for women living in California and Louisiana. A space for those individuals craving support in taking this kind of depth work to the next level. You want to know yourself fully. I want that for you too. 

My offerings were developed to support women in delving deep and cultivating the kind of personal insight and power that helps change their lives and ultimately, the world they live in.

What is Spiritually-Integrated Psychotherapy?

Spiritual psychotherapy combines tools like tarot and ritual with talk therapy. We may also utilize altar-making and dreamwork. Through these practices, folks address issues like creative blocks and limiting behaviors. They also unpack difficult emotions such as grief, worry, and anger. Often, clients are then called to move from insight to action. It all depends on your individual goals.

My Perspective on Spiritual Psychotherapy

Across the globe, we’re in a time of deep transition. I believe psychotherapy is one of the most socially-responsible actions a person can take. As a spiritually-oriented therapist, I’m honored to be with my clients on their journeys. Are you ready to get started?

Keep scrolling to learn more about my spiritual psychotherapy offerings for women. 

Spiritual Psychotherapy in California & Louisiana -

Offerings include:

  • Tarot cards have long been associated with divination (i.e. prediction). However, they can also be used to cultivate intuition and gain personal insight. We do this by asking the right questions and exploring our own associations to the card imagery.

    I offer prompts and guidance combing tarot and therapy. This help clients explore the cards they choose to work with. Therapeutic tarot practice may also be combined with expressive arts practices. This addresses issues or questions that arise. Clients may want to create an action plan based on material that emerges in their tarot session. Therapeutic tarot is suitable for those who have a long-standing tarot practice, as well as those who are brand new to the practice.

  • Guided Imagery is not unlike daydreaming. Though like the name suggests it is guided by a therapist or practitioner. Using verbal prompts, I help clients to identify their needs and goals. We develop guided imagery sessions to help them reach a deep point of relaxation.

    Clients may utilize guided imagery to increase feelings of confidence, resilience, and safety. As well as explore life issues in which they feel stuck and are seeking clarity.

  • Are you someone who has impossibly vivid dreams and can’t seem to decode the messages you wake with? Or maybe you don’t remember the details of your dreams, but are left with lingering emotions the next day?

    I work in close collaboration with clients to establish a dreamwork practice. This helps with a better understanding of the messages dreams are offering up. We'll also discuss practices you can incorporate outside the therapy space, so you can better track and understand your dreams.

  • Altars can be used to create sacred space within your home or office. Altars externalize metaphors and images that enhance a feeling of well-being and support. In the altar-making process, I work with clients to determine their needs. Then we create an altar that will support that need.

    Examples include: honoring grief and loss, identifying and honoring hopes and dreams, wellness/healing altars, ancestral/family altars. The creation of altars can range from simple to elaborate, functional to decorative.

  • 'Ritual' often gets conflated with solemn religious traditions or Woo-Woo gatherings, both of which can be hugely supportive. As a spiritually-oriented therapist, I have participated in both.

    Ritual can really be any activity that is infused with intention and meaning. Working together, we individualize rituals based on client needs.

    Examples: rituals for emotional/energetic cleansing; rites of passage; setting intentions for the day, leave-it-at-work rituals, honoring loss, and so on.

My approach is holistic and tailored to meet each client’s specific needs. Wherever you are at this moment, I'm in this with you - warm, direct, and transparent in the process. And I love the work I do. Let’s get started!

  1. Get to know more about me here

  2. Schedule a free initial consultation

  3. Have questions? Let's chat